Happy February, XWARN! Wow, this year is moving fast already! There is under two months until our first big public service event – the Xenia Marathon. Contact N8ADO for more info on volunteering. Also, only three months left until Hamvention!! The committees are working hard to make it a great show and we are working hard on the t-shirts, as is our tradition. Also, please recall as part of your membership, you are required to work two shifts. That’s all for now. Hope to see you at our meeting on Feb. 12th at 7PM at the Fairgrounds-OSU Extension. Have a…
Tag: President's Message
December President’s Message
Happy December, XWARN! We are in the thick of the holidays now. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiv-ing and is preparing well for Christmas…or whichever holiday you may cele-brate! As for XWARN, we have reached the beginning of a new fiscal year. 2024 elec-tions were held and the officers remained unchanged, running unopposed. I thank my fellow officers for continuing with me. Also, the beginning of a new year marks yearly dues being due. I thank everyone who paid at the November meeting. This month’s meeting will be replaced with our annual Christmas party. This year is Feliz Navidad…
November President’s Message
Happy November, XWARN!This is a busy month for the club with elections and the yearly business meeting. Also, we are still rounding out the year with the final public service events. Come join us for our final event supporting high school Cross Country on November 18th. Contact Bob, N8ADO, for more details. Have you been thinking of upgrading your license? Drop in on the Greene County Test Session on Sunday November 20th at 6pm. December 1st marks the start of our new year. That also means yearly dues will be due! Yes, it is the start of reminder season. Have…
October President’s Message
Hello Happy Fall XWARN! It is such a beautiful time of year. The leaves are changing colors. The weath-er is wonderful even with needing heat in the morning and air-conditioning in the afternoon along with several outfit changes.Along with that comes many public service event opportunities. We are in the thick of them and having a great turnout with volunteers. Thank you to all of you for your time and great efforts. We will be discussing some XWARN trailer updates that desperately need done to keep it a viable solution for public service. I encourage you all to be checking…
August President’s Message
Happy August XWARN!We’ve been busy with public service events. It is a great time of year. We’d love for all of you to join in the fun and sign up for an event. There are all kinds listed on the D3 website from all around the Miami Valley. It is fun to get out and see how other organizations run things. They will all very much appreciate your help. Go to www.ohd3ares.org for more information.It is almost time for back to school for everyone. Routines get more defined. It is a good time to check all your outdoor equipment to…