December President’s Message

Happy December, XWARN!

We are in the thick of the holidays now. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiv-ing and is preparing well for Christmas…or whichever holiday you may cele-brate!

As for XWARN, we have reached the beginning of a new fiscal year. 2024 elec-tions were held and the officers remained unchanged, running unopposed. I thank my fellow officers for continuing with me. Also, the beginning of a new year marks yearly dues being due. I thank everyone who paid at the November meeting.

This month’s meeting will be replaced with our annual Christmas party. This year is Feliz Navidad at Acapulco Mexican Restaurant. It’s sure to be lots of fun so come on out and bring your loved ones…or someone you kind of like okay. Monday December 11th at 6:30pm.

Elizabeth KE8FMJ