November President’s Message

Happy November, XWARN!
This is a busy month for the club with elections and the yearly business meeting. Also, we are still rounding out the year with the final public service events. Come join us for our final event supporting high school Cross Country on November 18th. Contact Bob, N8ADO, for more details. Have you been thinking of upgrading your license? Drop in on the Greene County Test Session on Sunday November 20th at 6pm.

December 1st marks the start of our new year. That also means yearly dues will be due! Yes, it is the start of reminder season. Have trouble remembering? Consider the subscription with PayPal. It automatically renews every year on the same date! Sign up is super easy –

Finally, our Christmas Party will be in place of our normal meeting, Monday December 11th. This year’s theme is Feliz Navidad and will be held at Acapulco Restaurant starting at 6:30pm. Feel free to bring guests. You cover your dinner but there will be games and prizes. Come join the fun!

Elizabeth Klinc, KE8FMJ
President, XWARN
VEC Lead, Greene County, Ohio