Saturday, April 23, 2022 10 A.M. – 4 P.M.

Is your station ready to establish and maintain high-reliability communication with other stations around Ohio when repeaters, phone, and internet service are impaired? When infrastructure just isn’t there, HF radio using Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) propagation offers the ability to stay in contact on frequencies of 2–30 MHz for distances of about 30–400 miles.
NVIS Day is the ARRL Ohio Section event to test your NVIS antenna designs and builds. Join us on Saturday, April 23rd to show how well amateur radio can keep Ohio communicating! This is not a contest: it’s an event for Ohio stations to operate with other Ohio stations and understand how well they hear and are heard.
Date: Saturday, April 23
Time: Start at 10 A.M., end at 4 P.M.
Power: Up to but no more than 100w
Exchange: six-digit grid, power, and true—measured—signal report
Schedule: This isn’t a contest, so take your time! Try different designs! Have lunch!
We look forward to hearing you on the air!
-Stan Broadway, N8BHL
Ohio Section Emergency Coordinator