Greene County Ham Radio 4-H Club Update

The new 4-H club in Greene County, based on the hobby we all know so well, will hopefully be able to start meeting! At the February XWARN meeting, Greene County Sheriff Gene Fisch-er informed us that the meetings, which will take place at the Greene County Fairgrounds, are expected to begin mid– to late March. In a previous meeting, XWARN voted to donate an IC-7300 radio to the club. However, another radio operator in Ohio graciously donated the same radio in like new condition. In addition, a brand new Yaesu 991A will be available to the club for use. Randy Benson, who pushed for the antenna used for the 4-H club, has unfortunately passed away, so please keep his family in your thoughts. The antenna, which would have been approximately two thousand dollars, has been do-nated by the antenna company in Randy’s name. Make sure you spread the word and encourage youth to join!