Mid-East Challenge — Cross Country Invitational

Saturday 18 November 2023 10:30 am – Noon

Indian Riffle Park in Kettering. Elite runners from Ohio and neighboring states.

Link to folder with the course map: Course Map

Two races. 11am and 1130.  Arrive at the park a 1/2 hour before the first event.

We will relay to the announcer the times and the states for the first three runners at Mile 1 and Mile 2. It takes two or three sets of eyes to do this. If we get enough volunteers, we will add a few safety spotters to a couple of challenging spots on the course. Bring a notepad to jot down the runner times.

We will plan to use the Montgomery Simplex tactical frequency of 146.415 with the Greene Simplex tactical frequency of 147.555 as backup.

Contact n8ado@woh.rr.com

We usually meet for breakfast before the event. More details will be provided to the volunteers who sign up.