Air Force Marathon 9/16

Saturday, Sept 16This is a huge event and many volunteers are needed to cover it.Volunteer registrations currently stand at about 75% of need andregistration closes at the end of the month.To register, go to sure to select “Race Day” and “Amateur Radio”Questions: contact Bob Baker N8ADO at

Young’s Ice Cream Charity Bike Tour 9/9

Saturday, Sept 9. 8 am start, typically done before 5pmNeed lots of volunteers to cover the course which winds through Clark,Madison, Fayette, and Greene Counties.To sign up, please email Janese KD8DGB

Abi-Khan Horse Challenge 8/19

Several competitive ride events to be held on Saturday Aug 19 and SundayAug 20 (shifts not yet identified)Takes place on the horse trails around Caesar Creek State ParkWe help to track the riders and horses in a competitive endurance ride(More info, soon)A coordinator is needed (for now, contact for more info)