It’s time again to seek volunteers for the Young’s Dairy Charity Bike Tour that will be on Saturday, September 11th. The ONE day tour covers several Ohio counties, comprising up to 100 miles, so a large number of ham radio operators will be needed. The tour starts at 8:00 AM on Saturday from Young’s Dairy, which is on Highway 68, north of Yellow Springs, and extends north to Bellefontaine Ohio and then returns back to Youngs Dairy. There is a bike path route for a portion of the return trip. We are not responsible for tracking riders on the bike…
Category: Uncategorized
ARRL Now Provides FREE RF Exposure Calculator
The FCC has adopted guidelines and procedures for evaluating environmental effects of RF emissions. The new guidelines incorporate two tiers of exposure limits based on whether exposure occurs in an occupational or “controlled” situation, or whether the general population is exposed or exposure is in an “uncontrolled” situation. Under the new FCC rules, some amateurs need to perform routine station evaluations to ensure that their stations comply with the RF exposure rules. This can be as simple as running an online calculator to determine the minimum safe distance between any part of your antenna and areas where people might be…
Event Calendar & Event Signup
Event Calendar and Event Signup Sheets are available from under the Public Services link at the opt of the page. I will try and also add a link to any Signup sheet when we make a post about the event. KE8LTL Travis Lansing
Updated Upcoming Events
8/21, 8/22 Abi Khan Horse Challenge [KC8GLE] 9/6 Holiday @ Home 5k & Parade [N2TUJ] 9/11 Young’s Charity Bike Ride [KC8GLE] 9/12 Air Force Marathon Training [N8ADO] 9/17 Air Force Marathon Set-Up, 5k [N8ADO] 9/18 Air Force Marathon (10k, Full, Half) [N8ADO] 10/10 Dayton River Corridor Classic (Half Marathon) [N8ADO] 10/23 Dayton District Cross Country Meet [N8ADO] 11/?? (tentative) MidEast Cross Country Challenge [N8ADO] 12/31 (tentative) Resolution Run [N8ADO]
Upcoming events
Aug 21, 22 Abi Khan Horse Challenge (Signup Link) Contact Mike Crawford Sept 6 Holiday at Home Parade (Labor Day) (Signup Form) Contact Shawna Collins Sept 18 Air Force Marathon Contact Bob Baker