Amateur Radio Club Helps Teach Survival Skills

Members of the All Things Amateur Radio Association (ATARA-W8ATR), a family-oriented radio club in the foothills of southern Ohio, were in Lancaster on Saturday, April 30, to help support the Afterschool Programs of Lancaster with their Family Survival Day at Alley Park.

Along with some radio related activities, ATARA provided instruction for the National Association for Search and

ATARA member shows to use a trash bag for weather protection. [Photo, Jim Breibach, KE8SWY]

Rescue’s Hug-A-Tree program, explained what to do if you are lost in the woods, as well as taught families how a trash bag can keep you warm and dry. There were also primitive fire-starting demonstrations where families could learn how to use magnesium bars, char cloth, and jute.

The families visited a Parks on the Air® (POTA) station and listened as contacts were made across the country with stations in the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. Oscillating Keyers were also set up for the families to key their names in Morse code.

There were 80 participants and 30 volunteers. ATARA is an ARRL Affiliated Club.