Hamvention QSO Party 2021

Hamvention QSO Party will be held as a 12 hour event on Saturday of what would have been the Hamvention weekend:

May 22, 2021 8am to 8pm EDST

W8BI, the club call of the Dayton Amateur Radio Association Bonus station, will be a bonus station scored at 10 points per band and mode:

Typical call will be: CQ CQ HVQP (HamVention QSO Party) W8XX (Your call)
Typical exchange will be signal report and first year you attended Hamvention; eg on CW: KB8XXX 599 1998 W4XX
If you have never attended Hamvention, please send 2021 in place of the year.

Modes and Bands

Modes: CW, SSB
Bands: 80, 40, 20, 15, and 10 meters.


Count one point for each unique call worked on each band and each mode.
W8BI is 10 bonus points per band and mode.

Send your score (number of QSOs including bonus points) to 3830scores.com within 5 days of the event.

You will be able to print a certificate using the link below.

Information copied from:
