After some deliberation, we have decided to have the XWARN party. We have a place. We believe that we can arrange tables to maintain adequate separation. We have some games to play. Why not?
There are several uncertainties. We could be banned from meeting due to recent increases in infection rates. We understand that many members will choose to avoid the risk associated with gathering together. Typically, we get just over three dozen people at the December party, but it seems unlikely that we will have that big of a group.
So here is what I suggest:
Plan to arrive at the Dining Hall building at the Greene County Fairgrounds between 6:00 PM and 6:30 PM on Monday, December 14. After we assemble, we can order pizza to be delivered. As usual, you will pay for your own meals. It is fine if you would rather bring your own food.
Wear a mask before entering the facility. Plan to arrange the seating so that you are not sitting across the tables from others unless they are members of your own household or others with whom you have frequent contact. As you prepare to leave for the meeting, consider putting a call out on the 147.165 repeater to check if it is still on.
I hope to see many of you there. Regardless. I hope that everyone has a great holiday. Stay safe!
Bob Baker N8ADO
P.S. The Beavercreek Cross Country Boosters have postponed indefinitely the Resolution Run. The New Year’s Eve Amateur Radio VE Test Session will not be held.