If you are new to the weather science hobby, or have not set up any favorite links of your own, we urge you to check out these links and add any that pertain to you to your favorites so you can find them easily. Last update April 2013
US NWS Radars – Pick the blue dot near you.
Ohio NWS Regional Radar – Be sure to click “update Yes”
Ohio Regional Radar and Data from Weather Underground
WHIO Interactive Radar – (This can be slow to load on older Machine/ Devices)
WKEF WRGT Interactive Radar- (This one is a much larger screen display and is faster loading)
Global Satellite Weather Imagery
National Weather Service WilmingtonOhio
Severe Storm Prediction Center 12 Hour Outlook
National Watch / Warnings Auto Refresh
The Ham Radio Hurricane Watch Net
Are YOU Ready for a Disaster? Ready .Gov