Hello XWARN!September is a busy month of events. I hope you all get a chanceto come out and work some.Election time is coming up. If you are interested in running for office, please let us know.The holiday season will be upon us before we know it. We need to decide where we want to go for our holiday get together.Lots of activities to do – let’s discuss them on Monday, September 12th at 7:30 P.M.See you then!73,Elizabeth KE8FMJ
Tag: President's Message
President’s Message – June 2022
May is complete and so is Hamvention. It went really well and most people enjoyed themselves fully. Our t-shirt sales were incredible; we sold almost all our inventory, including six boxes of 2019 sweatshirts. I would like to give a huge thankyou to all the volunteers in this sale. We couldn’t have done it without you. Another job well done to Committee Chair Janice Crawford (and Mike). Now that Hamvention is complete, it is time to look forward to Field Day, June 25-26 at BTFD Station 61. We need people to operate, and people to help set up and tear…
President’s Message – March 2022
Hello XWARN! We are very slowly getting back to normal. It is so good to see many of you again in person. Public service events are starting back up and I hope you all will consider joining.I have watched Hamvention volunteer attendance dwindle this year. I really do think it will happen and allhelp will be needed. This means t-shirts! For those who are new and haven’t yet experienced it, XWARN as a club makes and sells the Hamvention t-shirts. It will be your duty as a club member to volunteer two hours to sell the shirts. This is our…