Hello XWARN!We had another great Field Day! Lots of our members showed up to support and I am grateful for that. We had a great number of guests who came out to see what it was all about or to try out operation. The GOTA station was full all through the afternoon! The picnic was wonderful camaraderie and we had a large number of youth to experience the event.I also hope everyone had a wonderful Fourth of July holiday. Cookouts, fire-works…it is one of my favorite times of year.See you all on Monday July 10th for our monthly meeting.73,Elizabeth KE8FMJ
Tag: President's Message
June President’s Massage
Hello XWARN!I hope everyone enjoyed Hamvention and got lots of new goodies!Now that another Hamvention is in the rearview mirror, it is time to lookforward to my personal favorite Ham Radio activity…Field Day! This year’sField Day will be June 24-25. XWARN is once again hosting this event at theBeavercreek Township Fire Depart Station 61. It will be on the side of thebuilding, like last year, for easy access to the (air conditioned) bathrooms.We will have a picnic, so please bring along your favorite dish! We hopeyou’ll invite your friends, kids, grandkids, next door neighbors…everyone iswelcome at this event. If you…
May President’s Message
Hamvention is almost here! Our t-shirts are in and we are selling them atclub cost at the meetings. Come on by and get first pick! The hoodies are almost always gone before the show starts. Speaking of the show, have yousigned up to work your hours for the club? This is a big and our only fundraiser – we need your help! Field Day comes up pretty fast after Hamvention.We plan to set up at the same place as always – BTFD Station 61. We willhave Community Room and bathroom access, as well. Hope you can make it!This year is…
April President’s Message
Spring has certainly come in like a lion. We have already had several emer-gency weather activations. And as is XWARN’s mission, we host the Greene County weather net. You’ll often hear Janese, KD8DGB, come on as net con-trol for the weather net. And we much appreciate her and all her efforts! But weather emergencies don’t always happens in the evenings and nights or weekends. Sometimes they happen right smack dab in the middle of the day and work week. Janese, along with many of us who are used to working as backups, are at our jobs. Did you know that…
President’s Message – March 2023
This year is flying by faster than ever! Only two months to go until Hamven-tion. We once again used the official logo as the design for our t-shirts. The shirts will be royal blue in color this year. As a reminder, we will be taking sign-ups to sell t-shirts at the show. This is almost the sole source of income for the club, so we really need your help. They will once again be on sale at club prices at the meeting before Hamvention so all can get their pick first. A lot of regular members haven’t paid their dues…