Mid-East Challenge — Cross Country Invitational

Saturday 18 November 2023 10:30 am – Noon Indian Riffle Park in Kettering. Elite runners from Ohio and neighboring states. Link to folder with the course map: Course Map Two races. 11am and 1130.  Arrive at the park a 1/2 hour before the first event. We will relay to the announcer the times and the states for the first three runners at Mile 1 and Mile 2. It takes two or three sets of eyes to do this. If we get enough volunteers, we will add a few safety spotters to a couple of challenging spots on the course. Bring…

Simulated Emergency Test October 7, 2023

We will test the notification system (based on Hyper-Reach). Operatorswill be instructed to check-in with the Resource Net on the 147.165 (+)(123.0) Repeater. The Resource Net (147.165 +offset 123.0 Hz tone) will take check-ins,acknowledge the stations, and ask a few questions. Volunteers who have astanding assignment to provide communications support to a particularserved agency will be instructed to deploy to that location and tocheck-in to the tactical net. Those who do not have such an assignmentor who are unable to physically deploy will be instructed to check-in tothe tactical net from their current location. The Tactical Net (146.91 -offset no…

Tour de Gem  Charity Bike Tour

I’m seeking a few more hams to help with this. Takes place Sunday, October 1. Start/Finish is Riverscape Metro Park inDayton. The routes cover mostly rural roads in Montgomery and Greenewith a fun ride on the bike path to Xenia and back. I meet with the organizer tomorrow (Friday 9/22), so I should have more details, soon,but I wanted to get this message out for those who might be interestedin doing it again. Let me know if you wish to be on the list. contact N8ADO   n8ado@woh.rr.com

Air Force Marathon

Volunteer Registration closes on August 31. We are near the minimum quota for the number of amateur radio volunteers that it takes to properly support this big event. To volunteer, go to the web page usafmarathon.com/volunteer/ and select VOLUNTEER NOW. You will be redirected to the portal at raceroster.com where you will need to create an account. Select VOLUNTEER and sign in. Select the pull-down list under “Volunteer With Us”, scroll down and select “Volunteer on Saturday, September 16th, 2023”. Continue to scroll down and fill out the required information. Be sure to include your Call Sign in the appropriate box. Below that box,…