Community Service Events

Community Service Events that are in need of Ham Radio Volunteers toProvide Support (Scroll down for events on 8/17, 8/18, 8/25, 8/31, 9/7, 9/1, 9/14, 9/21,9/22)Events are posted on the District 3 ARES Website  OHD3ARES.ORG CANCELED – August 17 & 18 (Sat & Sun) Abi Khan Horse Endurance Challenge We track the horses as they navigate the trails around Caesar CreekState Park. Horses hit the trail at 7:00 AM and expect to be done before4pm on Saturday, earlier on Sunday. Wecan use operators either or both days. This is a good exercise as wepass checkpoint logs from station to station so…

Upcoming Events

Queen City Triathlon:  Sunday, July 14, Caesar Creek State Park Beach and surrounding area. 7am–noon Air Force Marathon Volunteer sign up. Please sign up if you haven’t yet.Event is Saturday, Sept 21, but registration closes in August (to allow time for security checks). Abi Khan Horse Endurance Challenge, Saturday Aug 17 and Sunday Aug 18.More info, soon. Fun and different! Young’s Charity Bike Ride, Saturday Sept 7. Tour de Gem, Saturday, August 31. New place–DayAir Park; involves Dragon’s Game. A good place to get info on Community Service Events: