October President’s Message

Hello Happy Fall XWARN! It is such a beautiful time of year. The leaves are changing colors. The weath-er is wonderful even with needing heat in the morning and air-conditioning in the afternoon along with several outfit changes.Along with that comes many public service event opportunities. We are in the thick of them and having a great turnout with volunteers. Thank you to all of you for your time and great efforts. We will be discussing some XWARN trailer updates that desperately need done to keep it a viable solution for public service. I encourage you all to be checking…

Tour de Gem  Charity Bike Tour

I’m seeking a few more hams to help with this. Takes place Sunday, October 1. Start/Finish is Riverscape Metro Park inDayton. The routes cover mostly rural roads in Montgomery and Greenewith a fun ride on the bike path to Xenia and back. I meet with the organizer tomorrow (Friday 9/22), so I should have more details, soon,but I wanted to get this message out for those who might be interestedin doing it again. Let me know if you wish to be on the list. contact N8ADO   n8ado@woh.rr.com

Fall Amateur Radio Classes

The Greene County Amateur Radio Clubs are sponsoring classes for individuals interested in obtaining or upgrading an amateur radio license. Classes begin Sunday evening September 17 at 7:00 PM and are expected to last for up to two hours. The format is nine weeks of two hour class sessions, followed by a free test session. At the first session, the class may decide to modify the start time and duration offuture classes, so be sure to check with the coordinator if you miss the first session. There is no cost to take the course, but you are asked to obtain…