Category: Uncategorized
President’s Message August 2024
The summer has been in full swing and as such, full of public service activi-ties. I know my schedule has been completely full of wonderful activities in that regard. The trailer – I am so incredibly proud of the trailer. We have gotten fabulous reviews and praise. We made it into the Ohio Section Jour-nal! Others have asked to see it and asked questions for ideas of their own. And, the Ohio Military Reserve has thrown up some considerations to a MOU, that could offer further financial support of the trailer, with them. There are still ideas for improvements floating…
August 2024 Wavelengths
The August 2024 issue is now available
Community Service Events
Community Service Events that are in need of Ham Radio Volunteers toProvide Support (Scroll down for events on 8/17, 8/18, 8/25, 8/31, 9/7, 9/1, 9/14, 9/21,9/22)Events are posted on the District 3 ARES Website OHD3ARES.ORG CANCELED – August 17 & 18 (Sat & Sun) Abi Khan Horse Endurance Challenge We track the horses as they navigate the trails around Caesar CreekState Park. Horses hit the trail at 7:00 AM and expect to be done before4pm on Saturday, earlier on Sunday. Wecan use operators either or both days. This is a good exercise as wepass checkpoint logs from station to station so…
EMCOMM Trailer Upgrade
The XWARN officers have been hard at work to bring our outdated, hidden gem back into the limelight!I am proud to announce the unveiling of a lot of combined effort. And that’s just what you can see! The guts, the inner workings of the insides were among the most grueling labor.Come see the trailer and upgrades for yourself at our August meeting – Monday August 12th 7pm at the Fairgrounds!