Ohio District 3 ARES: Serving Champaign, Clark, Darke, Greene, Logan, Miami, Montgomery, Preble and Shelby counties ARES Around Ohio Ohio’s amateur radio operators continued to train and supply important community service over the year 2021. Using their own radio equipment, these operators continued to educate themselves through NIMS and other sources to present a trained, ready resource to counties and Ohio. According to independentsector.org, the 2021 hourly value of a volunteer was $28.54. Ohio ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service) members provided 58,202 hours of training, meeting, and service valued at $1.661 Million. In addition, each of our over 955 members…
Category: Uncategorized
New Technician Question Pool Released, Effective July 1, 2022
The National Conference of Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (NCVEC) Question Pool Committee (QPC) has released the 2022 – 2026 Technician Class FCC Element 2 NCVEC Question Pool Syllabus & Question Pool into the public domain. It’s available as a Word document or PDF. The three graphics required for the new Technician question pool are available within the documents, or separately as PDF or JPG files. The new pool incorporates some significant changes compared to the 2018 – 2022 pool. Its 257 questions were modified slightly to improve wording or to replace distractors; 51 new questions were generated, and 62 questions were eliminated. This resulted in…
HamCation 2022
HamCation 2022 & ARRL National Convention Central Florida Fairgrounds and Expo Park February 11th – 13th, 2022 Come to the world’s second largest hamfest, where we pride ourselves on delivering a high-quality event to our attendees. Join us February 11-13, 2022 in beautiful Orlando, Florida for HamCation 2022 and the ARRL National Convention. https://www.hamcation.com
Joe Leggio WB2HOL Tape Measure Antenna
Tape Measure Beam Optimized For Radio Direction Finding Description This antenna evolved during my search for a beam with a really great front-to-back ratio to use in hidden transmitter hunts. This design exhibits a very clean pattern and is perfect for RDF use. It trades a bit of forward gain in exchange for a very deep notch in the pattern toward the rear. (You could optimize the design for more forward gain, but at the expense of a really good notch in the pattern toward the rear.) It is a design that can be constructed using only simple hand tools…
2021 Hall of Honor additions
At the annual Christmas Party on December 12th, 2021, 1 Silent Key member and 2 active members were added to the XWARN Hall of Honor. Based on nominations and a vote of The XWARN Officers, Gene Fischer (KXGCS/SK), XWARN President Elizabeth Klink (KE8FMJ), and Travis Lansing (KE8LTL) were added for 2021. Gene served with the Xenia police from 1983-2003, the Greene County Sheriff since 2003 and was well respected in the law enforcement community. After his involvement with Hamvention’s move to the Greene County Fairgrounds and Exposition Center in 2017, Gene earned his amateur radio license and became active in…