Jim Simpson, KF8J, of Xenia, Ohio, was named the 2022 Amateur of the Year. First licensed as a teen, Simpson built his first tower in 1966. He worked 39 states, including Hawaii, while living at home with his family. His first shack was in the corner of his dad’s garage. Simpson built all his equipment from Heathkit. He upgraded to a General-class license in the late 1970s. He built two towers at his current location in Xenia in 1980, a 100-foot guyed tower for HF antennas and a 55-foot, free-standing tower for satellite communications. Simpson operates on 80 through 10…
Category: Uncategorized
CANCELED [Gcares] Statewide Tornado Drill Net Wed Mar 23 9:50 AM
*****Due to the potential for severe weather tomorrow, the statewide tornadodrill has been officially cancelled. There is currently no planned date tomake-up the drill. We apologize for any inconvenience.***** Greene County will have a Weather Net on Wednesday, March 23, beginningat 9:50 AM as part of the Ohio Statewide Tornado Drill. It will be conducted on the 147.165 (+) (123.0) repeater. (Backup willbe 146.91 (+)) Since this is during working hours for many of us, we will call forshort time check ins early in the net, so you will need but a fewminutes to participate. Please try to join in….
NVIS Day 2022
Saturday, April 23, 2022 10 A.M. – 4 P.M. https://arrl-ohio.org/SEC/nvis_day.html Is your station ready to establish and maintain high-reliability communication with other stations around Ohio when repeaters, phone, and internet service are impaired? When infrastructure just isn’t there, HF radio using Near-Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) propagation offers the ability to stay in contact on frequencies of 2–30 MHz for distances of about 30–400 miles. NVIS Day is the ARRL Ohio Section event to test your NVIS antenna designs and builds. Join us on Saturday, April 23rd to show how well amateur radio can keep Ohio communicating! This is not a…
President’s Message – March 2022
Hello XWARN! We are very slowly getting back to normal. It is so good to see many of you again in person. Public service events are starting back up and I hope you all will consider joining.I have watched Hamvention volunteer attendance dwindle this year. I really do think it will happen and allhelp will be needed. This means t-shirts! For those who are new and haven’t yet experienced it, XWARN as a club makes and sells the Hamvention t-shirts. It will be your duty as a club member to volunteer two hours to sell the shirts. This is our…
3rd Annual Ohio River Road Runners Club Full & Half Marathon
On Sunday April 3rd is the Annual Ohio River Road Runners Club Full and Half Marathons. Both events begin at 8:00am at the NEW Xenia YMCA at 336 South Progress Dr in Xenia. The event winds around Xenia and then follows the bike path to Spring Valley and then comes back.We will be needing 15-20 volunteers. Also bicycle-mobile operators would be helpful. Checkin/Net Control will be at the XWARN Communications Trailer, which will be setup at the YMCA starting at 6:30am.A directed Net will be held on the 147.165 repeater(123Hz PL).Please come out and help out with this first large event…