The July Wavelengths is out!
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Jim Beller (KC8OKU) – Silent Key
Silent Key – Jim Beller (KC8OKU) On June 2nd we lost our good friend and fellow XWARN member, Jim Beller (KC8OKU). Jim was an army veteran, but he would be well described by the Marine Corps motto “Semper Fidelis” (Always Faithful). Those who knew Jim saw a man who was dedicated to family, church, and community. He was active as a leader in scouting for many years. Professionally, Jim was a computer systems analyst. His technical background and participation in scouting led to his obtaining an amateur radio license. In just a few years, Jim advanced to the highest license…
President’s Message – June 2022
May is complete and so is Hamvention. It went really well and most people enjoyed themselves fully. Our t-shirt sales were incredible; we sold almost all our inventory, including six boxes of 2019 sweatshirts. I would like to give a huge thankyou to all the volunteers in this sale. We couldn’t have done it without you. Another job well done to Committee Chair Janice Crawford (and Mike). Now that Hamvention is complete, it is time to look forward to Field Day, June 25-26 at BTFD Station 61. We need people to operate, and people to help set up and tear…
June Wavelengths
Thank you Jim Delph for the June Wavelengths!
Ohio Hamfests 2022
From Ohio Ares District 3 05/20-22/2022 – Dayton Hamvention Location: Greene County Fairgrounds, OH Sponsor: Dayton Amateur Radio Association Website: 05/28/2022 – Scioto Valley Amateur Radio Club Hamfest Location: Piketon, OH Sponsor: Scioto Valley Amateur Radio Club 06/04/2022 – FCARC Summer Hamfest Location: Wauseon, OH Sponsor: Fulton County Amateur Radio Club Website: 07/09/2022 – Mansfield Mid Summer Trunkfest Location: Mansfield, OH Sponsor: Intercity Amateur Radio Club Website: 07/17/2022 – Van Wert Hamfest Location: Van Wert, OH Sponsor: Van Wert Amateur Radio Club Website: http://W8FY.ORG 08/06/2022 – Columbus HamfestLocation: Grove City, OHSponsor: Aladdin Shrine Audio UnitWebsite: 08/13/2022…