2022 Field Day Results

Call Used: W8XRN GOTA Station Call: W1QFB ARRL/RAC Section: OH Class: 3F Participants: 44 Club/Group Name: Xenia Weather Amateur Radio Net Power Source(s): Generator, Battery, Solar Power Multiplier: 2XPreliminary Total Score: 3,870 Bonus Points: 100% emergency power 300 Media Publicity 100 – Documented by media.jpg Public location 100 Public information table 100 Formal message to ARRL SM/SEC 100 Natural power QSOs completed 100 Site visit by invited served agency 100 Educational activity 100 Youth participation (7 x 20, max of 100) 100 Social media 100 GOTA Station 200 Entry submitted via web 50Total bonus points 1,450 Score Summary: (Cabrillo log/dupe…


XWARN has added a monthly net to be held the 1st Monday of each month at 7:30 PM. The net will be held on the XWARN 2M repeater 147.165+ pl 123.0 –

Fifteenth Annual Ohio State Parks On The Air – Amateur Radio Contest

Website Link Posted on January 4, 2019 by John Myers Make sure to mark your calendar for the 2022 Ohio State Parks On The Air (OSPOTA) contest – September 10, 2022. The contest is always held on the first Saturday following the Labor Day holiday. Each year this event has grown and we anticipate another year of growth with even more participating Amateur Radio Operators. Let me remind you that the OSPOTA contest was conceived with three main goals in mind: To promote public awareness of amateur radio and Ohio’s beautiful state parks system;To contribute to the recognition that Ohio has a very…

2022 Upcoming Events

Remember to mark your calendar and volunteer! 7/17 Queen City Triathlon (Caesar Creek State Park) 8/21, 8/22 Abi Khan Horse Challenge (Caesar Creek State Park) 9/10 Young’s Charity Bike Ride (Yellow Springs) 9/11 Air Force Marathon Training (Fairborn) 9/16 Air Force Marathon Set-Up, 5k (Fairborn) 9/17 Air Force Marathon (10k, Full, Half) (Fairborn) 10/9 Dayton River Corridor Classic (Half Marathon) 10/9 Tour De Gem The Wright Brothers Cycling Classic (Dayton Riverscape) 10/22 SW District Regional Cross Country (Cedarville) November Mideast Cross Country Challenge (Kettering) December Resolution Run (Beavercreek)

2022 Ohio Hamfests

07/17/2022 – Van Wert HamfestLocation: Van Wert, OHSponsor: Van Wert Amateur Radio ClubWebsite: http://W8FY.ORG 08/06/2022 – Columbus HamfestLocation: Grove City, OHSponsor: Aladdin Shrine Audio UnitWebsite: http://columbushamfest.com 08/13/2022 – Cincinnati HamfestLocation: Owensville, OHSponsor: Milford ARCWebsite: https://CincinnatiHamfest.org 09/17/2022 – Mound Amateur Radio Assoc. Swap MeetLocation: Miamisburg, OHSponsor: MARAWebsite: http://W8DYY.ORG 09/25/2022 – Cleveland HamfestLocation: Berea, OHSponsor: Hamfest Association of ClevelandWebsite: http://www.hac.org 10/30/2022 – Massillon Hamfest (OH)Location: Green, OHSponsor: Massillon Amateur Radio ClubWebsite: http://w8np.org