From the OSPOTA website: Make sure to mark your calendar for the 2022 Ohio State Parks On The Air (OSPOTA) contest – September 10, 2022. The contest is always held on the first Saturday following the Labor Day holiday. Each year this event has grown and we anticipate another year of growth with even more participating Amateur Radio Operators. Let me remind you that the OSPOTA contest was conceived with three main goals in mind: To promote public awareness of amateur radio and Ohio’s beautiful state parks system; To contribute to the recognition that Ohio has a very diverse…
Category: Uncategorized
Air Force Marathon 17 Sept 2022
September 17 @ 5:30 am – 3:00 pm The 2022 US Air Force Marathon will be held on Saturday, 17 September 2022Volunteer Registration is now open on the USAF Marathon websiteOnce on the site, click on the “Sort By Job” button and then choose Amateur Radio Operator.Fill out all of the required fields and then click on “Sign Up to Volunteer) at the bottom of the page.There are over 60 slots to be filled at this event. If you have any questions contact Bob, N8ADO at
Tour de Donut 27 August 2022
August 27 @ 8:00 am – 3:00 pm August 27, 2022 Tour de DonutBicycle event using 4 routes in eastern half of Miami County.8am-approx. 3pm- depending on placement on course.VHF communications primarily on W8FW repeater 145.230- (100hz pl)To volunteer contact Scott Swink/KB8JOY….9372601978 voice or text…… & follow-up communication will be via email.
Holiday At Home Parade 5 Sep 2022
Hams wanting to volunteer are now able to register for the Holiday at Home Parade taking place on Monday September 5, 2022. Positions assignments start as early as 7 am and end by noon. is Shawna, N2TUJ,
Website link A microwave oven–sized CubeSat weighing just 55 pounds will serve as the first spacecraft to test a unique, elliptical lunar orbit as part of the Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment (CAPSTONE). As a pathfinder for Gateway, a Moon-orbiting outpost that is part of NASA’s Artemis program, CAPSTONE will help reduce risk for future spacecraft by validating innovative navigation technologies and verifying the dynamics of this halo-shaped orbit. The orbit, formally known as a near rectilinear halo orbit (NRHO), is significantly elongated. Its location at a precise balance point in the gravities of Earth and the Moon, offers…