Announcement from Tom WB8LCD I also want to announce that effective January 1, 2023 that I have appointed Elizabeth Klink –KE8FMJ as the Ohio Section Public Information Coordinator (PIC). In addition to managing theOhio Section Newsletter Contest, Liz will be making sure that Amateur Radio is well publicizedwithin the Ohio Section and to that end will be working with the local PIO’s to help get the wordout locally. All of this will increase the public awareness and appreciation of Amateur Radioand Amateur Radio operators in the Ohio Section. Please welcome Liz to this position and offeryour support and assistance! Congratulaitons…
Category: Uncategorized
Resolution Run – Canceled for 2022
CANCELED – 12/31 (Saturday) Resolution Run 5KBeavercreek HS and surrounding residential area.expect starting gun 2000, race lasts just over 1 hourReport to Beavercreek HS by 1900 for assignment (for pre-assign, contact snack buffet before event (1830).VE test session before is likely. (Ring in the New Year with an upgrade).Contact:
November Wavelengths
The November Wavelengths is out!Thank you Jim D.
October Wavelengths
The October Wavelengths is out!
Hurricane Ian hero: Maryland firefighter uses his ham radio to send rescuers to Florida’s Sanibel Island
Story from Fox News: Dale Klonin, a firefighter at Baltimore/Washington International Airport in Baltimore, was off duty and busy running errands last Wednesday when he stumbled upon a chance to save lives. Klonin, 46, lives in Hampstead, Maryland. As an amateur ham radio operator with an interest in “any news or weather event,” he was keeping an eye and ear on Hurricane Ian. “Of course, the hurricane was pretty big news,” Klonin told Fox News Digital in a phone interview. Thinking about family members who live outside Sarasota, Florida, Klonin and his wife “were pretty concerned” about the storm,…