For those interested in obtaining an FCC amateur radio license, the Greene County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (GCARES) is offering an Amateur Radio license class starting Sunday, February 18, 2024. The class will meet from 7 to 9 p.m. each Sunday through April 21st. A test for all classes of licenses will be shortly after these classes conclude. There is no charge for the class and Morse Code is no longer required to obtain any amateur radio license. The entry-level Technician class is held at the Bellbrook Amateur Radio Club (BARC) Clubhouse, Room 1, Sugarcreek Elementary School, 51 South East…
Category: Uncategorized
February 2024 Events
5 XWARN Monthly Net, 147.165+ 123.0 7:30pm6 Greene County DMR Net, 310557 8:30pm6 GCARES Voice/Digital Net, 146.910 9:00pm7 Ohio ARES D3 Net, 145.110 8:00pm12 XWARN Monthly Meeting, OSU Extension Building 7:00pm13 Greene County DMR Net, 310557 8:30pm13 GCARES Voice/Digital Net, 146.910 9:00pm14 Ohio ARES D3 Net, 145.110 8:00pm20 Greene County DMR Net, 310557 8:30pm20 GCARES Voice/Digital Net, 146.910 9:00pm21 Ohio ARES D3 Net, 146.820 8:00pm27 Greene County DMR Net, 310557 8:30pm27 GCARES Voice/Digital Net, 442.725 9:00pm28 Ohio ARES D3 Net, 146.820 8:00pm28 GCARES Meeting, Station 61 Community Room 7:00pm
February President’s Message
Happy February, XWARN! Wow, this year is moving fast already! There is under two months until our first big public service event – the Xenia Marathon. Contact N8ADO for more info on volunteering. Also, only three months left until Hamvention!! The committees are working hard to make it a great show and we are working hard on the t-shirts, as is our tradition. Also, please recall as part of your membership, you are required to work two shifts. That’s all for now. Hope to see you at our meeting on Feb. 12th at 7PM at the Fairgrounds-OSU Extension. Have a…
February 2024 Wavelengths
The February 2022 Wavelengths is available!
2024 Spotter Training Schedule
Link to the registration NWS WILMINGTON OHIO 2024 SPOTTER TRAINING SCHEDULE Classes are free and open to the public. Virtual classes require registration via the links provided in each course description. In-person classes require registration only if specified. Each class lasts about 2 hours and is led by a National Weather Service meteorologist, who will discuss techniques and safety for severe weather spotting. Once you attend a class, you will receive instructions for registering to officially become a trained spotter. You will then be able to report severe weather to your NWS office. Schedule Update for January 31, 2024 We…