Community Service Events

Community Service Events that are in need of Ham Radio Volunteers to
Provide Support

(Scroll down for events on 8/17, 8/18, 8/25, 8/31, 9/7, 9/1, 9/14, 9/21,
Events are posted on the District 3 ARES Website  OHD3ARES.ORG

CANCELED – August 17 & 18 (Sat & Sun) Abi Khan Horse Endurance Challenge

We track the horses as they navigate the trails around Caesar Creek
State Park. Horses hit the trail at 7:00 AM and expect to be done before
4pm on Saturday, earlier on Sunday. We
can use operators either or both days. This is a good exercise as we
pass checkpoint logs from station to station so that we can discover
lost riders before they get too far off course.

This is a fun, but relatively slow paced event and the riders are always
very appreciative. Plus, there are not very many events where you get to
get up close to horses.

The coordinator for this event is Janese Brooks, KD8DGB and you can
contact her at  This event is less than two weeks away,
so please give this one special attention. We will need 5 or 6
volunteers each day.

August 25 (Sun) Mountain Bike Race

I have not heard from the organizers about details, but I was contacted
about providing some sort of communications support for an event
involving off road bikes. The event takes place in John Bryan State
Park, but I have no further information. The date is so close, that I am
announcing it without details. Also, I am not going to be around that
day to coordinate, so I am looking for a volunteer to do that.

I’ll collect names from anyone interested and pass them along to whoever
offers to coordinate. You can contact me at

August 31 (Sat) Tour de Gem (Bike Tour)

Again, I am waiting to hear from the organizers, but I assume that this
year’s event will be similar to previous ones. I do know that the
start/finish is being moved to DayAir Ballpark (from Riverscape). There
are several ride options with the first riders starting at 8am and the
event is scheduled to end at 5pm.

I will coordinate the event if the organizers choose to include us. I
can be contacted at

Sept 2 (Mon, Labor Day) Holiday at Home 5k run and Parade

(I have no further information at this time, but this event has been on
the ham events list for many years)

Sept 7 (Sat)  Young’s Charity Bike Ride

This is a relatively large event due to a good number of participants
and a very large geographical area. We need lots of ham volunteers. The
start/finish will be at Young’s Dairy (US-68, just north of Yellow
Springs). Start is scheduled for 8 am and the last rider typically rolls
in around 5 pm.

Coordinators are Janese KD8DGB and Bob N8ADO

Sept 14 (Sat) Training for Air Force Marathon Ham Radio Volunteers (see

Sept 21 (Sat) Air Force Marathon

This is a HUGE event by all measures. Lots of participants, lots of
things to cover. Registration is open through the end of August.
Instructions on how to register are on the OH District 3 ARES website  There will be an in person training session on Saturday,
Sept 14 (tentatively 4pm) at Beavercreek Fire Station 61.

For more information contact N8ADO at

Sept 22 (Sun) Ham license classes sponsored by Greene County Clubs
begin, leading up to a test session at 4 pm on Sunday Nov 24. More to

Bob Baker N8ADO AUXC
Greene County ARES Emergency Coordinator