Spy radio sets – Clandestine radio equipment
Ever since the invention of radio, people have been trying to use transmitters and receivers for secret communication. In times of war, spies, agents and the resistance would use such secret communication to contact their home office or government and send important information to them. Such secret communication systems are often called Spy Radio Sets, or Spy Sets for short.
We are well aware that the term Spy Sets is not always correct. The equipment described in this section was also used by secret agents, Special Forces (SF), embassies, diplomatic services, resistance groups, stay-behind organisations and others. However, as it has become a popular expression, we call all of them Spy Sets here.
Please note that we are not trying to present a complete overview of all spy radio sets that have ever been used in the world. We only describe the sets that we have in our own collection, or that we’ve been able to research. That said, we do show a rather representative cross-section of the many different spy radios out there, and we try to describe them to the best of our abilities and provide as much information as possible.
For a complete list of the spy sets covered on this website, please check our , or click any of the thumbnail images below. For those interested in the mysterious Number Stations on the SW-bands, please check our OWVL-page.
Very long article that contains radio informaiton for a large amount of radios and countries – Travis