Xenia Marathon
Sunday, April 6
Full Marathon, Half Marathon, 10 K
Starting gun at 8:00, Official end at 6 hours after the start.
For course maps, etc. see the website RUNXENIA.COM
Last time we had 20 volunteers, which worked out OK as some of us were able to cover multiple locations. More eyes and more communications are always good. In addition to spotters at designated places, we can use several bicycle mobiles to patrol the course and to track the tail ends.
Duties: Report progress of race information (lead runners, runner density, tail end), Report runner injuries and/or the need for assistance, Report logistical issues, Assist course marshals
Required equipment: Two meter transceiver with decent antenna, spare batteries. Earphone recommended. We expect to use the XWARN repeater (147.165, plus offset, 123.0 subtone). We can arrange the loan of a transceiver if needed.
Please contact Bob Baker N8ADO to sign up as a volunteer