President’s Message September 2024

Hello XWARN!
Fall is coming up on the calendar. The weather feels like it is already here! The kids are back in school and pumpkin spice flavored every-thing surrounds us. Hope you all got a chance to join us on our many public service events; if not, there are plenty more opportunities. The Air Force Marathon is up next! Our biggest event in the area takes many volunteers to make successful. I’m so proud that so many in our club step up to the challenge. I hope many of you got to hear and try out our new repeater. It has great range and does lots of fun new things. Next on the agenda is EchoLink. This has been on my agenda for many years, and I am happy we are so close to the finish line. See you all Monday Sep-tember 9th at 7pm!
73, Elizabeth KE8FMJ, AuxC
September 9, 2024